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Wish Lists

We are always looking for ways to expand our resources to get the message of God's love out to our community. If you'd rather give a gift instead of money, please check out our Amazon Wishlists for our various ministries. This allows you to give in the areas where you are most passionate.

Special Events

Throughout the year, we do special events for our church and our community. These events include things like VBS, Easter Brunch, Wonderful Wednesdays, and many more.  In order to make these events happen, we need supplies.  If you enjoy these events and want to help support them and our church, check out our Special Events wish list!

Youth Ministries

Our youth ministries are an important part of our church, our outreach and teaching the next generation about the good news of Christ.  Our youth ministries meet weekly and hold additional events throughout the year and they need supplies to make it all happen. If you want to help support them and our church, check out our Youth Ministry wish list!

Worship Team

Our Worship team is an integral part of our Sunday services. They often need supplies and equipment on stage, in the sound booth, or around the auditorium. If you want to help support our Sunday services, check out our Worship Team wish list!

Cleaning and Supplies

Our church needs cleaned every single week.  To do that, we need to have cleaning and office supplies!  We have cleaning teams and office staff that help keep everything going. If you want to help purchase supplies for them, check out our Cleaning and Supplies wish list!

Projects and Maintenance

EDCC is over 150 years old, and our building isn't getting any younger.  We have people that help with projects and maintenance throughout the week to get and keep our building in good shape. If you enjoy doing projects, talk to someone about getting involved with our projects team.  If you want to donate, check out our Projects and Maintenance wish list!

Holiday Supplies

We love spending the holidays with our EDCC family.  We often have meals, decorations and more. We would love to see you there and would love your help. If you enjoy these events and want to help support them and our church, check out our Holiday Supplies wish list!

Misc. Needs

From time to time, we have other needs around the building that don't fall into our normal wish list categories. We still need help with these items, and they are a great way to donate to the church as a whole. If you want to help support our church in this way, check out our Misc. Needs wish list!

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