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Our Groups

Our volunteer groups are some of the best ways to get involved and support the community. These groups help share the responsibility of running events, helping with Sunday services, and even helping with projects around the building to keep our church looking nice. We can always use help with these events, but if it's not your thing, feel free to suggest some other volunteer activities, or send a message to some of our staff to figure out ways to get involved.

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Landscape Crew

Landscaping is definitely one of the things that needs a lot of little work and can take a lot of time. Working together as a team can speed up the process and build relationships. Making things look nice and having the satisfaction of working for the glory of God is an amazing feeling, and we can find something for everyone to help with. If you're interested, just let us know!


Nursery & Toddler Helpers

Our church nursery is open during Sunday School and Worship service for children 3 and younger.  If you are interested in teaching our little ones about the love of Christ, or love taking care of children, this could be a great opportunity to get involved. Feel free to reach out to us!

Cleaning Supplies

Weekly Cleaning Crew

Our church has a lot of space that needs to be looked after. We have a dedicated staff who does their best to keep everything clean, but a little help goes a long way in such a large building. If you enjoy organizing and cleaning, or just simply want to lend a hand, reach out to us and we will see if we can add you to our list of helpers in this area.  


Stage Lights

Worship Team

The worship team is a great way to get involved and praise the Lord. Using your talents is a beautiful way to share, to lead, and to build community. If you have a talent you want to share, either on stage or in our sound booth doing tech, reach out to us and we will set up a meeting with the worship leader.  

Special Projects

Special Projects Group

Throughout the course of the year, there are various maintenance and upkeep projects that need to be addressed within our church. If you notice something that needs our attention, or if you have a project you want us to look into, fill out the Projects Form and we will take a look. If you are interested in helping with some of these projects, let us know!


Ignite & Impact Helpers

Each week there is Sunday school available for all children from 4 years old through High School. There is also a Junior Church program for kids PreK to 6th Grade during worship hour. This is a great opportunity to teach our kids about the importance of Jesus in their lives and have fun! Let us know if you are interested.

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